2024 Election Campaign Fund Monitoring Report

The Global Commission on Elections, Democracy & Security, through its report released in 2012, concluded that there are at least 5 (five) major challenges hindering the integrity of elections (Global Commission on Elections, Democracy & Security, 2012). One of them is: uncontrolled political funding, undisclosed, and even secretive due to inadequate regulations.
Unfortunately, in Indonesia, despite having held 6 (six) elections posttransition from the authoritarian New Order regime, it still faces recurring issues related to political financing. Specifically, campaign financing always receives a red flag due to being considered non-transparent and the accountability of its data being questionable.
The legal framework of Indonesia's elections has actually set detailed limits regarding the donations allowed to be received by political parties and individual candidates. Including the obligation to report financial audits of their income and expenditures to the KPU. However, so far, political parties tend to report only a small portion of their donations and expenditures.
Since the elections of 1999, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019, and up to 2024, ICW's monitoring consistently shows anomalies in campaign fund reporting (ICW, 2001, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2019). From issues of poor reporting administration to allegations of document manipulation, these have been found in presidential, legislative, and even regional head elections.
Through this report, it will be thoroughly reviewed how the 2024 elections withintegrity were still far from reality due to the issue of the opacity of politicalcampaign funds.