Case Study of Concurrent Positions of Law Enforcement Officials as SOE Commissioners

The practice of concurrent positions continues to be a problem in Indonesia. In general, the concept of concurrent positions is understood as a condition in which one person holds positions, or wields more than one branch of power at the same time. In Indonesia, this phenomenon, which is also known as rangkap jabatan, is often found in practice, but it is not clearly called out as a violation, including cases in which one of the concurrent positions is as an official of a State-Owned Enterprise/Regional Owned Enterprise (SOE/ROE).
Based on the findings of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, in 2019 there were at least 397 public officials presumed of holding concurrent positions as SOE/ROE officials. Furthermore, the data show that 65% of persons from non-ministerial institutions holding the position of SOE commissioners came from five agencies, including the TNI (27 persons), the National Police (13 persons), the Prosecutor’s Office (12 persons), the Regional Government (11 persons), and BIN (10 persons)