Indonesia and Infrastructure Tender in 2020

In the past 10 years, 53% of public tenders in Indonesia were about constructions. It is recorded that there had been a 50% increase in the number of corruption cases in infrastructure projects in Indonesia between 2015 and 2018. In 2020, Indonesia carried out 48.83% tender on infrastructure (36,871 tender) from the total of 75,326 tender. In total during 2020, the award value for all infrastructure tenders is IDR 183.77 trillion (USD 12.8 billion).
This report aims to assess the extent to which the existing data related to infrastructure can be analyzed. This also includes the extent to which ICW’s and/or OCP’s red flags methodology and indicators can also be applied to infrastructure projects and contracts; and whether there are any additional red-flags indicators that should be added to the ICW’s and/or OCP’s red-flags methodology which would be especially important or useful for infrastructure.
This study will assess data available in based on the 3 (three) OCP guidelines (see methods and scope). Using indicators that are already implemented in the Opentender platform, the report analysed 2020 infrastructure projects data to see how the analysis would look like. This study was conducted using a quantitative approach to analyze procurement data from 1 January - 31 December 2020. In some indicators, the study carried out manual online tracing to scrutinize track records of the companies.
Procurement data analyzed for this report are limited to tender and quick tendering processes in the planning, tendering, and award phases for infrastructure projects. There is no data available for the research on infrastructure projects funded by framework agreement or public private partnership. That being said, Opentender already covered 100% of government data on infrastructure projects funded using state-budget. In 2020, there were 37,977 (48.06%) of infrastructure related tender using open competitive tender method with a total value of IDR 183.77 Trillion (USD 12.8 Billion). This analysis is carried out per datasets available by January 2021. Some datasets may be updated by procurement agencies after the research is carried out and not captured in this analysis.