<p>School Improvement Grant

School Improvement Grant Program is funded by The Netherland grant to improve the schools in poor area in Indonesia. The first of SIGP was conducted at the school year 2001/2002. The target were the school for refugee and the broken school caused by disaster. SIGP I was covering 10% of the poorest district/city in Indonesia as well. There were 73 district/city which got the grant of SIGP I.

Because of the success outcomes, SIGP was continued for the school year 2002/2003. As a part of Social Safety Net in Scholarship and Operational Support Grant, SIGP II had general outcome to improve the school quality in poverty area. Meanwhile the specific goal of SIGP II is improving the teaching process quality by improving school infrastructure. The other goal of SIGP II is increasing society participation and school based management.

The government of Netherland provided Rp. 259 billion, allocated for 60 district and covering 2875 Elementary School and Junior High School, both public and Islamic school (MI and MTs). Each of school will get the grant about Rp. 50 million to Rp. 130 million. To disburse the grant, The Netherland Government give the management to The World Bank.

There were three indicators to select the district or city to get the grant. Those were poverty index, crude participation number and Local Government Bruto Revenue per capita. Then the selected district/city will establish the District Committee which are consist of Ministry of National Education, Regional Planning Agency and the representative of NGO and informal leaders. The committee will select the school with the poverty criteria, such as school building condition and access to the distric capital. The project implementation scheme can be explained from the graphic below.

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