Preventing Embezzlement of Special Autonomy Funds

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested Governor of Aceh, Irwandi Yusuf for alleged bribery, in the Hall of the Governor of Aceh on Tuesday (3/7). From the results of the raid operation, KPK seized evidence in the form of money amounting to Rp 500 million originally provided by the Regent of Bener Meriah, Ahmadi to Irwandi Yusuf. The KPK stated that the money was part of a commitment fee amounting to 8%, which is a share for officials in the Aceh Provincial Government, of any project financed by the Special Autonomy Fund (Otsus).
The bribes were collected from a number of businessmen coordinated by Ahmadi. Now, Ahmadi and Yuzal and Syaiful who are entrepreneurs, have been designated as suspects. Then on Saturday, July 7, 2018, the Commission searched his Irwandi’s home and found some documents and electronic evidence related to the Special Autonomy Fund of Aceh (DOKA) 2018. The evidence is believed to strengthen the alleged embezzlement of the Special Autonomy Fund.
The special autonomy fund a budget from the central government specifically for the provinces of Aceh, Papua, and West Papua. Aceh province has received the Special Autonomy Fund since 2008. Until 2017, Aceh has received a total of Dana Otsus amounting to Rp 56 trillion. By 2018 the government has providedthe special autonomy fund to Aceh to the tune of 8 trillion.
Beyond the large number, it is known that the management of the Special Autonomy Fund is not optimal so that much of this fund could be embezzled. Programs planned to be funded by the the Special Autonomy Fund tend to be lacking in planning, and are not based on data. This means that the absorption of the funds misses the target
The vulnerability of the Special Autonomy Fund is not only occurring in Aceh. Based on the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) report on the Papua Autonomy Fund in March 2018, there are problems at the internal regulatory and supervisory stages. BPK’s findings was in line with the statement of the Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo that the arrest of the Governor of Aceh in connection with the Special Autonomy Fund was caused by the lack of internal control in budget planning in the Aceh Government. He also stated that the Ministry of Home Affairs would evaluate the supervision of the Special Autonomy Fund.
In order that the Special Autonomy Fund is no longer embezzeld, it is necessary to take serious steps of prevention and repression. The government needs to focus on improving the management of the Special Autonomy Fund, including strengthening the MoHA's monitoring system to the local governments receiving the funds. Cooperation with KPK is an important point to prevent any corruption in the utilization of the Special Autonomy Fund.
The community must also play an active role in overseeing the use of these funds. Given the main purpose of the Special Autonomy Fundis to accelerate regional development, improvee education and welfare of the community, the community should use public information disclosed by the Government of Aceh in order to find if there were misuses in the program, the finder can report it to the KPK.
Meanwhile, as a measure of prosecution, the Commission must investigate the case of corruption of the Dana Otsus Aceh thoroughly, so that all involved perpetrators get proper punishment sand can provide a deterrent effect against the perpetrators.
Author: Liska
Editor: Emerson/Ade